There might be situations where you would not be able to delete directory from vRA portal
Recently, was working on a issue where vRA directory deletion process throws an exception
First thing what come to one's mind when it's a vIDM or Directory Services issue in vRA is to check horizon.log
Checking horizon.log , did see following exception
2018-03-16 03:11:15,121 ERROR (Thread-132) [vsphere.local;3f2680e5-99e4-457d-a080-e3b692c9fd62;;] - Directory Delete Exception :d025cfc3-3949-4c4b-b630-1beb4b7170bd
com.vmware.horizon.common.api.components.exceptions.GroupDeleteException: group.delete.error
at com.vmware.horizon.components.authorization.GroupServiceImpl.deleteGroupsByUserStore(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
vRA UI states it's System Exception and contact System Administrator
We did resolve this issue by connecting to database and manually removing the config
Before you do this ensure you have a valid snapshot and a recent backup of vRA Postgres database. Click here to learn how to take backup of vPostgres vRA database
Once you have satisfied all pre-requisites , take ssh to vRA appliance2
. Connect to vRA database
Execute su - postgres /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql vcac
Now change schema to "saas" so that vIDM tables can be accessed
set schema 'saas';
Find idOrganization and domain name
Select * from "Organizations";
Select * from "Domain";
DELETE from “GroupParent” where “groupUuid” in ( select “uuid” from “Group” where “idOrganization” = ‘<id_organization>’ and “domain” = ‘<domain>’);
DELETE FROM “UserGroup” where “idGroup” in ( select id from “Group” where “idOrganization” = '<id_organization>' and “domain” = ‘<domain>’);
DELETE from “Group” where “idOrganization” = '<id_organization>' and “domain”=‘<domain>’;
update “DirectoryConfig” set “deleteInProgress”=‘f’ where “id”=‘<directory_config_id>’;
Delete directory from UI
Ensure all of these steps are done in a proper manner.