Every LCM Installation comes with inbuilt swagger documentation which can be accessed at https://<<vRLCM-FQDN>>/api endpoint of the LCM installation.
Please refer to the swagger documentation for the APIs mentioned below on details of the REST methods.
The swagger API page provides an example of payloads and also allows the user to try the APIs from the web page itself.
All the APIs need a valid authentication token to be provided in the header
As a first step one has to create an environment in Postman
You would have to mention the vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager URL, Username and the Password
Once done to fetch the token we should execute a POST call to https://{{lcmurl}}/lcm/authzn/api/login
Then when we click on "SEND" the respond body would say as login successfully
When you click on headers, The value what you see under Set-Cookie is your token
Now using the cookie fetched above, I will now be able to execute API calls to perform certain functions on vRSLCM 8.x
In the below example I am fetching certificates from locker using API call. I used the session ID generated from the above example as Set-Cookie value inside the call.
In the same way, one can fetch passwords from the locker as well.
Shall add more examples soon.
Hello, your method seems to be outdated... now, with recent vRSLCM version (I'm using 8.8), according to
you have to pass username&password along with each request.
At least, this way I'm able to interact with vRSLCM (via Python), I'm unable to leverage the Set-Cookie way (keep receiving 401).