Follow below steps to successfully increase existing partition size of /storage/log of a vRealize Automation appliance
Full backup or clone of vRA nodes
This activity must not be performed during business hours or weekdays. Downtime has to be taken and perform under a scheduled change
Note : If you have a HA setup, then start this activity on a secondary nodes
Select vRA appliance using vSphere Client and add an additional disk
I am adding a 20 GB disk for this example
Run df -h and make a note of existing /storage/log partition name , if you go by defaults it must be /dev/sdb1
Run this command to manually scan for a new device
echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan
Check if new disk is seen in the VM by running command "dmesg"
Run fdisk /dev/sde (considering /dev/sde) and start recreating the partition following the
example shown in the screeshot
Once above step has been completed , execute command " partprobe " , This would commit any changes made to kernel
Now create a filesystem executing
mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sde1
( In my case it's /dev/sde1 , it might vary if you have added additional disks to vRA appliance previously )
Execute following command
mkdir /tmp/log/
mount -t ext3 /dev/sde1 /tmp/log/
df -h
Stop all services using commands
vcac-vami service-manage stop vco-server vcac-server horizon-workspace elasticsearch
service vpostgres stop
Then execute
cp -a /storage/log/* /tmp/log
cd /
Post that execute command
sed -i -e 's#/dev/sdb1#/dev/sde1#' /etc/fstab
(Make sure you use the correct Filesystem here)
Now reboot vRA appliance
Validate /storage/log partition once and check if application logging is working as expected
!! Hope this helps !!