Came across a problem where the plugin was not visible on all the nodes part of embedded vRO cluster, version 7.6
This issue is seen usually on third-party plugins and not on out of the box plugins.
When the user disables a plugin from vRO's control-center and then enables it back,
though it's enabled on control-center, inside appliance it's still marked as disabled
Log Snippet showing that it's marking a plugin as disabled as per its configuration
2019-12-30 19:24:07.091+1100 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO {} [ModulesFactory] Deploying plug-in : '/var/lib/vco/app-server/../app-server/plugins/f5_big_ip_plugin.dar' 2019-12-30 19:24:07.609+1100 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO {} [SDKDatasource] setInvokerMode() -> Datasource 'datasource' in module 'F5Networks' set to 'direct' 2019-12-30 19:24:08.465+1100 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO {} [ModulesFactory] vCO plug-in 'F5Networks' is disabled
Configuration of this plugin is stored under /var/lib/vco/app-server/conf/plugins/_VSOPluginState.xml
When you edit this file you would see
<entry key="f5networks.state">disabled</entry>
got to change this line to
<entry key="f5networks.state">enabled</entry>
Then perform a restart of service vCO
service vco-server stop && service vco-server start
Once services are up you should be able to see plugin available on all three nodes
This looks like a bug.