There are 2 local accounts of VMware Aria Automation Config for which VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle would be able to change passwords
They are
admin ( root ui account )
Variables used
{{lcmurl}} | FQDN of Suite Lifecycle |
{{envid}} | Environment ID where this product resides |
{{vsscprdid}] | VMware Aria Automation Config Product ID. This is always "vssc" |
{{vsscnodetype}} | Node Type for VMware Aria Automation Config. This is always vssc-raas for now |
{{currentpasswordvmid}} | Fetch from the Environment API response. VMID of the password used by the product |
{{currentpasswordalias}} | Fetch from the Environment API response. Alias of the current password being used by product |
{{tenantid}} | If it is a vRA Integrated , then the tenant would be vIDM. If it is a standalone one , then it would be Standalone vRSSC as shown below |
Details of API's
admin password
Method: PUT
URL: {{lcmurl}}/lcm/lcops/api/v2/environments/{{envid}}/products/{{vsscprdid}}/admin-password?tenantId=Standalone+vRASSC
"adminPassword": "locker:password:{{newpasswordvmid}}:{{newpasswordalias}}",
"currentAdminPassword": "locker:password:{{currentpasswordvmid}}:{{currentpasswordalias}}"
Expected Response Code:
root password
Method: PUT
URL: {{lcmurl}}/lcm/lcops/api/v2/environments/{{envid}}/products/{{vsscprdid}}/nodes/{{vsscnodetype}}?tenantId=Standalone+vRASSC
"currentPassword": "locker:password:{{currentpasswordvmid}}:{{currentpasswordalias}}",
"hostName": "{{sschostname}}",
"newPassword": "locker:password:{{newpasswordvmid}}:{{newpasswordalias}}",
"userNameToUpdate": "root"
Expected Response Code:
Working Example ( admin )
Login into VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
Method: POST
URL: {{lcmurl}}/lcm/authzn/api/login
Authentication: Basic Auth admin@local / Password of admin@local
Expected Response Code: 200 OK
Outcome: There's a JSESSIONID generated and added as a cookie

Fetch existing details of saltstack using API
Method: GET
URL: {{lcmurl}}/lcm/lcops/api/v2/environments
Authentication: Basic Auth admin@local / Password of admin@local
Expected Response Code: 200 OK

Now, that we have details needed for successful password change , let's create a new password in locker specifically for VMware Aria Automation Config
For creating a new password object using API inside locker , follow below procedure
Method: POST
URL: {{lcmurl}}/lcm/locker/api/v2/passwords
Authentication: Basic Auth admin@local / Password of admin@local
"alias": "autoconfig_20042023",
"password": "AutoConfig2023!",
"passwordDescription": "Auto Config Password",
"userName": ""
Expected Response Code: 200 OK

Changing Admin Password
Method: PUT
Authentication: Basic Auth admin@local / Password of admin@local
"adminPassword": "fc0cbc52-deab-4a14-810a-a78b09e01721:autoconfig_20042023",
"currentAdminPassword": "locker:password:e5c77612-310c-4793-972f-d4cb6a93d1f7:installerPassword"
Expected Response Code: 200 OK
There is a request id generated

Now upon checking UI the request is completed and the password is changed

Login into VMware Aria Automation Config UI and then check out that you should be able to login using new passwords.
Working Example ( root )
Method: PUT
Authentication: Basic Auth admin@local / Password of admin@local
"currentPassword": "locker:password:eb04d7cc-c101-44b2-9723-a89586afce4c:newpassword",
"hostName": "{{sschostname}}",
"newPassword": "locker:password:e5c77612-310c-4793-972f-d4cb6a93d1f7:installerPassword",
"userNameToUpdate": "root"
Expected Response Code: 200 OK
There is a request id generated
