Perform the following steps to ensure that vhrb service is disabled and not monitored by cron jobs
Note: Take Snapshots ( No Memory, No Quiescing )
Stop the health service monitor by commenting out the cron job in /etc/cron.d/monitor-vrhb-cron
Kill any instances of monitor that might be running by executing
ps -A | grep | awk '{print $1}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty kill -9 $1
Stop the health service by executing the command
service vrhb-service stop
Verify if the service is stopped if a process is found kill it manually
ps aux | grep Quorum
Cleanup the Health Service datastores ( aka Sandboxes )
rm -r /var/lib/vrhb/service-host/sandbox
rm -r /var/lib/vrhb/vra-tests-host/sandbox
Note : I have not configured health broker service in my lab so you would not see vra-test-host/sandbox command being executed
As a last step, turn off vrhb-service using chkconfig
chkconfig vrhb-service off
the whole thing comes down to social security but it started out as a double screen and so the hacker saw everything and was right on time in order to be able to let internal and to plainly blately try to wipeout ss in one wipe if he suceed then that tells me with the letter that was found today he was on time to destroy the twin towers and it was premeditated this is how it would of looked like payauthowner///ndata ^H///n rootBUILD_OUT_ROOT:/temp/build the guy took somethings personal on this it clearly states that he knew and because they were taking about him he planed their death it take two tho to make a hardcode (mdn) come alive…