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White Structure
Writer's pictureArun Nukula

| Implementing vRNI 6.6 Patch 2 via vRSLCM 8.x | Deepdive |

Updated: Jun 30, 2023



Implement vRNI 6.6 Patch 2 and understand it's specifics. This is a standard install of vRNI , not a vRNI cluster



Download attached document if the screenshots are not clear



Deployed a vRNI 6.6 environment

Downloaded patch vRNI 6.6 P2 which would be applied

Before going ahead and implementing the patch, wanted to take a snapshot

selected option to shutdown and then take snapshot

precheck is successful 

Now that snapshot request is complete , we shall now get into the patch implementation phase

Ensure there is an inventory sync performed before installing the patch. Recommended step.

Select the product , click on the three dots which would give you the day-2 actions pane. Click on Install Patch

This retrieves available patches for the product. Remember I've already downloaded vRNI 6.6 P2 and kept it ready . Select the patch and click on next

When we click on next , there's an option to "INSTALL"

Patch installation progresses

Following tasks are performed during an patch installation

Stage 1

1. Start
2. vRNI Upload Upgrade Bundle
3. vRNI Upgrade Bundle Status
4. Upgrade Precheck
5. Upgrade Precheck Status
6. VRNI Online Upgrade
7. Check Upgrade Status
8. vRealize Network Insight Watermark Configuration
9. Product Upgrade Patch Schedule Notification
10. Modify Notification Scheduler 
11. Final

Stage 2

1. Start
2. Product Patch Inventory Update
3. Final

We do see that the patch implementation completed in approx 20 minutes

Now , If i browse to patch history under product day-2 actions pane. I do see this implemented

Let's deep dive a bit to understand what really happens in the background

1. Request id is generated 

2022-11-23 02:20:33.205 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-3] c.v.v.l.l.u.RequestSubmissionUtil -  -- Generic Request Response : { 
  "requestId" : "c1faa281-96e1-4296-b2b0-fdf469a4f24b" 

2. ProductPatchPlanner is initiated

2022-11-23 02:20:33.560 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.r.c.p.ProductPatchPlanner -  -- Patch url :: 
2022-11-23 02:20:33.560 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.r.c.p.ProductPatchPlanner -  -- Patch version selected for application : 6.6.0.P2.1651837449 
2022-11-23 02:20:33.561 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.r.c.p.ProductPatchPlanner -  -- Patch Product Spec :: { 
  "vmid" : "ebc901f5-68b8-483b-a3ae-aa55151baab0", 
  "tenant" : "default", 
  "originalRequest" : null, 
  "enhancedRequest" : null, 
  "symbolicName" : null, 
  "acceptEula" : false, 
  "variables" : { }, 
  "products" : [ { 
    "symbolicName" : "upgradevrni",
          "productId" : "vrni" 
      "priority" : 3 
    } ] 
  } ] 

3. Request is created and is set to be processed 

2022-11-23 02:20:33.674 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.r.c.RequestProcessor -  -- Processing request with ID : c1faa281-96e1-4296-b2b0-fdf469a4f24b with request type PRODUCT_PATCH_INSTALL with request state INPROGRESS

4. Tasks start 

#### VRNI Upload Upgrade Bundle task ####

2022-11-23 02:20:34.536 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.FlowProcessor -  -- Processing the Engine Request to create the machine with ID => upgradevrni and the priority is => 0
2022-11-23 02:20:34.576 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.FlowProcessor -  -- Injected OnStart Edge for the Machine ID :: upgradevrni
2022-11-23 02:20:34.778 INFO  [pool-3-thread-29] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.VRNIUploadUpgradeBundleTask -  -- Starting :: VRNI Upload Upgrade Bundle task.
2022-11-23 02:20:41.430 INFO  [pool-3-thread-29] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentDownloadController -  -- CONTENT_PATH :: /patches/vrni/6.6.0/VMware-vRNI.6.6.0.P2.1651837449.patch.bundle 
2022-11-23 02:20:41.430 INFO  [pool-3-thread-29] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentDownloadController -  -- URL :: /productPatchRepo/patches/vrni/6.6.0/VMware-vRNI.6.6.0.P2.1651837449.patch.bundle 
2022-11-23 02:20:41.430 INFO  [pool-3-thread-29] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentDownloadController -  -- Decoded URL :: /productPatchRepo/patches/vrni/6.6.0/VMware-vRNI.6.6.0.P2.1651837449.patch.bundle 
2022-11-23 02:20:41.433 INFO  [pool-3-thread-29] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentDownloadController -  -- ContentDTO{BaseDTO{vmid='886ffa3e-86f4-4427-a7e2-ae5efde0be06', version=} -> repoName='productPatchRepo', contentState='PUBLISHED', url='/productPatchRepo/patches/vrni/6.6.0/VMware-vRNI.6.6.0.P2.1651837449.patch.bundle'} 
2022-11-23 02:21:08.098 INFO  [pool-3-thread-29] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.VRNIUploadUpgradeBundleTask -  -- VRNI Upload Upgrade Bundle Rest call status code:200 output message :OK output:{"status":true,"statusCode":{"code":0,"codeStr":"OK"},"message":"Bundle upload in progress","data":null} 
2022-11-23 02:21:08.119 INFO  [pool-3-thread-29] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.VRNIUploadUpgradeBundleTask -  -- Completed :: VRNI Upload Upgrade Bundle task. Injecting status check of upgrade bundle. 
2022-11-23 02:21:08.119 INFO  [pool-3-thread-29] c.v.v.l.p.a.s.Task -  -- Injecting Edge :: OnVRNIProcessUpgradeBundleInitiated

#### VRNI Upgrade Bundle Status task ####

2022-11-23 02:21:09.034 INFO  [pool-3-thread-25] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.VRNIUpgradeBundleStatusTask -  -- Starting :: VRNI Upgrade Bundle Status task.
2022-11-23 02:21:14.478 INFO  [pool-3-thread-25] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.VRNIUpgradeBundleStatusTask -  -- VRNI Upgrade Bundle Status Rest call status code:200 output message :OK output:{"status":false,"statusCode":{"code":37,"codeStr":"IN_PROGRESS"},"message":"Bundle upload in progress","data":null}
2022-11-23 02:24:20.024 INFO  [pool-3-thread-25] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.VRNIUpgradeBundleStatusTask -  -- VRNI Upgrade Bundle Status Rest call status code:200 output message :OK output:{"status":true,"statusCode":{"code" 
:0,"codeStr":"OK"},"message":"Update bundle uploaded successfully","data":{"version":{"number":"1651837449","name":"6.6.0","createdTs":1651837449000,"offline":true},"readMe":{"sections":[{"name":"Release Version","b 
ody":["VMware-vRNI.6.6.0.P2"],"type":"string"},{"name":"KB Article","body":[""],"type":"link"},{"name":"Release Note","body":[""],"type":"link"},{"name":"Release Items","body":["Defect fixes."],"type":"list"},{"name":"Release Date","body":["1651837449"],"type":"string"}]}}}
2022-11-23 02:24:20.038 INFO  [pool-3-thread-25] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.VRNIUpgradeBundleStatusTask -  -- Completed :: VRNI Upgrade Bundle Status task.

#### VRNI Upgrade Precheck task ####

2022-11-23 02:24:20.039 INFO  [pool-3-thread-25] c.v.v.l.p.a.s.Task -  -- Injecting Edge :: OnVRNIUpgradePreCheckInitialized
2022-11-23 02:24:20.419 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.EventProcessor -  -- State to find :: com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.plugin.core.vrni.task.upgrade.UpgradePrecheckTask 
2022-11-23 02:24:20.424 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.EventProcessor -  -- Invoking Task :: com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.plugin.core.vrni.task.upgrade.UpgradePrecheckTask
2022-11-23 02:24:20.458 INFO  [pool-3-thread-47] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckTask -  -- Starting :: VRNI Upgrade Precheck task.
2022-11-23 02:24:25.955 INFO  [pool-3-thread-47] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckTask -  -- VRNI Upgrade pre-check Rest call status code:200 output message :OK output:{"status":true,"statusCode":{"code":0,"codeStr":"OK"},"message":"OK","data":"633e4ed1-612d-4eff-9c03-6919a39a45f5"} 
2022-11-23 02:24:25.988 INFO  [pool-3-thread-47] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckTask -  -- Upgrade pre-check request processed successfully 
2022-11-23 02:24:26.000 INFO  [pool-3-thread-47] c.v.v.l.p.a.s.Task -  -- Injecting Edge :: OnVRNIUpgradePreCheckStatusInitialized
2022-11-23 02:24:26.327 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Starting :: VRNI Upgrade Precheck Status task.
2022-11-23 02:24:31.697 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- vRNI Upgrade Precheck Status URI :: /api/management/upgrade/pre-checks/633e4ed1-612d-4eff-9c03-6919a39a45f5 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.774 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- VRNI Upgrade pre-check Rest call status code:200 output message :OK output:{"status":true,"statusCode":{"code":0,"codeStr":"OK"},"message":"OK","data":{"messages":[{"msg":"Customer table check","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"ActiveCustomersCardinalityCheckTask","title":"Customer Table Check","consentMsg":null},{"msg":"HDFS Journal Nodes sync check","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"JournalNodeSyncCheckTask","title":"HDFS Journal Node","consentMsg":null},{"msg":"HBASE and HDFS health check is in progress..","type":"INFO","status":"IN_PROGRESS","id":"HBaseHdfsHealthCheckTask","title":"HBase and HDFS Health Check","consentMsg":null},{"msg":"Disk check","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"DiskCheckTask","title":"Disk Check","consentMsg":null},{"msg":"Version check","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"VersionCheckTask","title":"Version Check","consentMsg":null},{"msg":"NTP is in sync","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"NtpSyncCheckTask","title":"NTP Sync Check","consentMsg":null},{"msg":"Bundle verification","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"BundleVerificationTask","title":"Bundle Verification","consentMsg":null}],"lastUpdateTs":1669170269132}}
2022-11-23 02:24:31.780 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : Customer table check 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- ActiveCustomersCardinalityCheckTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 1 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : HDFS Journal Nodes sync check 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- JournalNodeSyncCheckTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 2 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : HBASE and HDFS health check is in progress.. 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- HBaseHdfsHealthCheckTask pre-check status : IN_PROGRESS 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : Disk check 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- DiskCheckTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 3 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : Version check 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- VersionCheckTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.781 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 4 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.782 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : NTP is in sync 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.782 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- NtpSyncCheckTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.782 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 5 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.782 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : Bundle verification 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.782 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- BundleVerificationTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:24:31.782 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 6

2022-11-23 02:30:37.201 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- vRNI Upgrade Precheck Status URI :: /api/management/upgrade/pre-checks/633e4ed1-612d-4eff-9c03-6919a39a45f5 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.250 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- VRNI Upgrade pre-check Rest call status code:200 output message :OK output:{"status":true,"statusCode":{"code":0,"codeStr":"OK"},"message":"OK","data":{"messages":[{"msg":"Customer table check","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"ActiveCustomersCardinalityCheckTask","title":"Customer Table Check","consentMsg":null},{"msg":"HDFS Journal Nodes sync check","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"JournalNodeSyncCheckTask","title":"HDFS Journal Node","consentMsg":null},{"msg":"HBase and HDFS are healthy","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"HBaseHdfsHealthCheckTask","title":"HBase and HDFS Health Check","consentMsg":null},{"msg":"Disk check","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"DiskCheckTask","title":"Disk Check","consentMsg":null},{"msg":"Version check","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"VersionCheckTask","title":"Version Check","consentMsg":null},{"msg":"NTP is in sync","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"NtpSyncCheckTask","title":"NTP Sync Check","consentMsg":null},{"msg":"Bundle verification","type":"INFO","status":"PASS","id":"BundleVerificationTask","title":"Bundle Verification","consentMsg":null}],"lastUpdateTs":1669170272054}} 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.255 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : Customer table check 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.255 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- ActiveCustomersCardinalityCheckTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.255 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 1 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.255 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : HDFS Journal Nodes sync check 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.255 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- JournalNodeSyncCheckTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.255 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 2 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.256 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : HBase and HDFS are healthy 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.256 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- HBaseHdfsHealthCheckTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.256 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 3 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.256 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : Disk check 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.256 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- DiskCheckTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.256 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 4 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.257 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : Version check 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.257 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- VersionCheckTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.257 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 5 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.257 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : NTP is in sync 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.257 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- NtpSyncCheckTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.257 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 6 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.257 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Upgrade Pre-check message : Bundle verification 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.258 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- BundleVerificationTask pre-check status : PASS 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.258 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Passed YXYXYXYX count 7 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.258 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask -  -- Pre-check completed successfully. 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.258 INFO  [pool-3-thread-36] c.v.v.l.p.a.s.Task -  -- Injecting Edge :: OnVRNIUpgradePreCheckStatusSuccess

#### Now that the precheck is successful. Online VRNI Upgrade is triggered ####

2022-11-23 02:30:37.832 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.EventProcessor -  -- Responding for Edge :: OnVRNIUpgradePreCheckStatusSuccess 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.832 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.EventProcessor -  -- State to find :: com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.plugin.core.vrni.task.upgrade.UpgradePrecheckStatusTask 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.832 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.EventProcessor -  -- State to find :: com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.plugin.core.vrni.task.upgrade.VRNIOnlineUpgradeTask 
2022-11-23 02:30:37.841 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.EventProcessor -  -- Invoking Task :: com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.plugin.core.vrni.task.upgrade.VRNIOnlineUpgradeTask
2022-11-23 02:31:24.667 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.VRNIOnlineUpgradeTask -  -- Platform upgrade request processed successfully
2022-11-23 02:31:24.668 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.p.a.s.Task -  -- Injecting Edge :: OnVRNISingleClickOfflineUpgradeSuccess
2022-11-23 02:31:25.506 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.CheckUpgradeStatusTask -  -- Starting :: Check Upgrade status.
2022-11-23 02:31:31.238 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.CheckUpgradeStatusTask -  -- Upgrade status check : IN_PROGRESS 
2022-11-23 02:31:31.279 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.u.SshUtils -  -- Executing command --> sudo -H -u ubuntu bash -c 'sudo cli show-version'
2022-11-23 02:31:31.882 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.u.SshUtils -  -- exit-status: -1 
2022-11-23 02:31:31.894 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.u.SshUtils -  -- Command executed sucessfully 
2022-11-23 02:31:31.895 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.u.SshUtils -  -- Command execution response: { 
  "exitStatus" : -1, 
  "outputData" : "\n", 
  "errorData" : null, 
  "commandTimedOut" : false 
2022-11-23 02:31:31.896 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.CheckUpgradeStatusTask -  -- Upgrade version: 6.6.0 
2022-11-23 02:31:31.896 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.CheckUpgradeStatusTask -  -- Expected Patch version : 1651837449 
2022-11-23 02:31:31.896 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.CheckUpgradeStatusTask -  -- Current Patch version : 1648892975

#### Approximately 10 minutes later, we do complete the patching process as shown below ####

2022-11-23 02:41:38.105 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.CheckUpgradeStatusTask -  -- Upgrade status check : SUCCESS 
2022-11-23 02:41:38.146 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.u.SshUtils -  -- Executing command --> sudo -H -u ubuntu bash -c 'sudo cli show-version' 
2022-11-23 02:41:38.747 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.u.SshUtils -  -- exit-status: -1 
2022-11-23 02:41:38.747 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.u.SshUtils -  -- Command executed sucessfully 
2022-11-23 02:41:38.748 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.u.SshUtils -  -- Command execution response: { 
  "exitStatus" : -1, 
  "outputData" : "\n", 
  "errorData" : null, 
  "commandTimedOut" : false 
2022-11-23 02:41:38.749 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.CheckUpgradeStatusTask -  -- Upgrade version: 6.6.0 
2022-11-23 02:41:38.749 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.CheckUpgradeStatusTask -  -- Expected Patch version : 1651837449 
2022-11-23 02:41:38.749 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.CheckUpgradeStatusTask -  -- Current Patch version : 1651837449 
2022-11-23 02:41:38.749 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.u.CheckUpgradeStatusTask -  -- Upgrade completed successfully 
2022-11-23 02:41:38.749 INFO  [pool-3-thread-45] c.v.v.l.p.a.s.Task -  -- Injecting Edge :: OnVRNIOfflineUpgradeStatusSuccess

#### vRNI VCF Watermark Configuration is skipped as it is not a VCF based environment ####

2022-11-23 02:41:39.292 INFO  [pool-3-thread-33] c.v.v.l.p.c.v.t.v.VrniUpgradeVcfWatermarkingTask -  -- ******** vRNI VCF Watermark Configuration Skipped as its not VCF User

####  ProductPatchInventoryUpdateTask #### 

2022-11-23 02:41:42.226 INFO  [pool-3-thread-49] c.v.v.l.d.c.t.i.ProductPatchInventoryUpdateTask -  -- Executing ProductPatchInventoryUpdateTask... 
2022-11-23 02:41:42.227 INFO  [pool-3-thread-49] c.v.v.l.d.c.t.i.ProductPatchInventoryUpdateTask -  -- environmentId : 0efced57-abfa-4494-875e-337a6037b8e8 
2022-11-23 02:41:42.227 INFO  [pool-3-thread-49] c.v.v.l.d.c.t.i.ProductPatchInventoryUpdateTask -  -- productId : vrni

#### Finally the patch is now marked as complete ####

2022-11-23 02:41:42.255 INFO  [pool-3-thread-49] c.v.v.l.p.a.s.Task -  -- Injecting Edge :: OnProductPatchUpdateCompleted

During upgrade precheck phase following checks are performed . vRSLCM invokes the upgrade precheck API on vRNI end and vRNI performs the checks and return if it is a success or a failure. Based on the result it would either move forward with the next phase or throw an error in the UI.

1. Customer table check 
2. HDFS Journal Nodes sync check 
3. HBASE and HDFS health check 
4. Disk check 
5. Version check 
6. NTP Sync check 
6. Bundle verification

If there is an error, then fix it based on the exception and then retry the patch implementation by clicking on the "retry" button on the request.


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