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Unable to generate vRSLCM log bundle through UI


There was a recent scenario where vRSLCM log generation was not happening through UI

So let's take a minute to see what happens when you generate a log bundle and then we can inspect what could have gone wrong this the previous case where it wasn't generating one.


When I click on generate log bundle ....

It generates a request , upgrade planner spec and then the engine request . What's important here is the downloadUrl is pointing to the previously generated log bundle.

2022-07-27 09:25:15.649 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-6] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-27 09:25:15.660 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-4] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : loginsightsetting

2022-07-27 09:25:53.795 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-9] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Validation result for Setting :logbundledownload result true
2022-07-27 09:25:53.846 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-9] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Setting Value before save: "{\n  \"downloadUrl\" : \"\"\n}"
2022-07-27 09:25:53.926 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-9] c.v.v.l.l.u.RequestSubmissionUtil -  -- ++++++++++++++++++ Creating request to Request_Service :::>>> {
  "vmid" : "2d03775b-9f49-4982-879b-26195ed74cac",
  "transactionId" : null,
  "tenant" : "default",
  "requestName" : "lcmsupportbundle",
  "requestReason" : "Get vRSLCM Support Bundle",
  "requestType" : "lcmsupportbundle",
  "requestSource" : null,
  "requestSourceType" : "user",
  "inputMap" : {
    "downloadUrl" : ""
  "outputMap" : { },
  "state" : "CREATED",
  "executionId" : null,
  "executionPath" : null,
  "executionStatus" : null,
  "errorCause" : null,
  "resultSet" : null,
  "isCancelEnabled" : null,
  "lastUpdatedOn" : 1658913953925,
  "createdBy" : null

2022-07-27 09:25:54.021 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.r.c.p.GenericEnvironmentPlanner -  -- Generic Planner SPEC :: {
  "vmid" : "117d667d-f8d6-4602-9d97-874f7b4fd39d",
  "tenant" : "default",
  "originalRequest" : null,
  "enhancedRequest" : null,
  "symbolicName" : "90e136b4-4d83-4c61-ab81-7378fdf324ae",
  "acceptEula" : true,
  "variables" : { },
  "products" : [ {
    "symbolicName" : "lcmsupportbundle",
    "displayName" : null,
    "productVersion" : null,
    "priority" : 0,
    "dependsOn" : [ ],
    "components" : [ {
      "component" : {
        "symbolicName" : "lcmsupportbundle",
        "type" : null,
        "componentVersion" : null,
        "properties" : {
          "downloadUrl" : "",
          "isVcfUser" : "false"
      "priority" : 0
    } ]
  } ]

2022-07-27 09:25:54.027 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.r.c.RequestProcessor -  -- ENGINE REQUEST :: {
  "vmid" : "117d667d-f8d6-4602-9d97-874f7b4fd39d",
  "tenant" : "default",
  "originalRequest" : null,
  "enhancedRequest" : null,
  "symbolicName" : "90e136b4-4d83-4c61-ab81-7378fdf324ae",
  "acceptEula" : true,
  "variables" : { },
  "products" : [ {
    "symbolicName" : "lcmsupportbundle",
    "displayName" : null,
    "productVersion" : null,
    "priority" : 0,
    "dependsOn" : [ ],
    "components" : [ {
      "component" : {
        "symbolicName" : "lcmsupportbundle",
        "type" : null,
        "componentVersion" : null,
        "properties" : {
          "downloadUrl" : "",
          "isVcfUser" : "false"
      "priority" : 0
    } ]
  } ]

The actual or current log bundle generation starts

2022-07-27 09:25:55.157 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.FlowProcessor -  -- Injected OnStart Edge for the Machine ID :: lcmsupportbundle
2022-07-27 09:25:55.201 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.EventProcessor -  -- INITIALIZING NEW EVENT :: {
  "vmid" : "2036f6ef-a34c-4c66-a414-671a403057f0",
  "transactionId" : null,
  "tenant" : "default",
  "createdBy" : "root",
  "lastModifiedBy" : "root",
  "createdOn" : 1658913955155,
  "lastUpdatedOn" : 1658913955182,
  "version" : "",
  "vrn" : null,
  "eventName" : "OnStart",
  "currentState" : null,
  "eventArgument" : "{\"productSpec\":{\"name\":\"productSpec\",\"type\":\"com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.domain.ProductSpecification\",\"value\":\"{\\\"symbolicName\\\":\\\"lcmsupportbundle\\\",\\\"displayName\\\":null,\\\"productVersion\\\":null,\\\"priority\\\":0,\\\"dependsOn\\\":[],\\\"components\\\":[{\\\"component\\\":{\\\"symbolicName\\\":\\\"lcmsupportbundle\\\",\\\"type\\\":null,\\\"componentVersion\\\":null,\\\"properties\\\":{\\\"downloadUrl\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"isVcfUser\\\":\\\"false\\\"}},\\\"priority\\\":0}]}\"}}",
  "status" : "CREATED",
  "stateMachineInstance" : "9b69126f-58e7-47de-afa7-3bf907dd6756",
  "errorCause" : null,
  "sequence" : 560741,
  "eventLock" : 1,
  "engineNodeId" : ""

2022-07-27 09:25:55.209 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.MachineRegistry -  -- GETTING MACHINE FOR THE KEY :: lcmsupportbundle
2022-07-27 09:25:55.209 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.MachineRegistry -  -- QUERYING CONTENT :: SystemFlowInventory::flows::flow->lcmsupportbundle
2022-07-27 09:25:55.210 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.d.i.u.InventorySchemaQueryUtil -  -- GETTING ROOT NODE FOR :: SystemFlowInventory
2022-07-27 09:25:55.228 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.MachineRegistry -  -- URL :: /system/flow/lcmsupportbundle.vmfx
2022-07-27 09:25:55.229 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentDownloadController -  -- INSIDE ContentDownloadControllerImpl
2022-07-27 09:25:55.229 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentDownloadController -  -- REPO_NAME :: /systemflowrepo
2022-07-27 09:25:55.229 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentDownloadController -  -- CONTENT_PATH :: /system/flow/lcmsupportbundle.vmfx
2022-07-27 09:25:55.229 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentDownloadController -  -- URL :: /systemflowrepo/system/flow/lcmsupportbundle.vmfx
2022-07-27 09:25:55.229 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentDownloadController -  -- Decoded URL :: /systemflowrepo/system/flow/lcmsupportbundle.vmfx
2022-07-27 09:25:55.230 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentDownloadController -  -- ContentDTO{BaseDTO{vmid='lcmsupportbundle', version=} -> repoName='systemflowrepo', contentState='PUBLISHED', url='/systemflowrepo/system/flow/lcmsupportbundle.vmfx'}
2022-07-27 09:25:55.231 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.EventProcessor -  -- State to find :: com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.plugin.lcmplugin.core.task.LcmSupportBundleTask
2022-07-27 09:25:55.235 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.EventProcessor -  -- Invoking Task :: com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.plugin.lcmplugin.core.task.LcmSupportBundleTask
2022-07-27 09:25:55.502 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.EventProcessor -  -- Injecting Bean :: contentRepositoryController
2022-07-27 09:25:55.504 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.a.c.EventProcessor -  -- Injecting Bean :: settingsController
2022-07-27 09:25:55.504 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.c.u.EventExecutionTelemetryUtil -  -- Start Instrumenting EventMetadata.
2022-07-27 09:25:55.506 INFO  [scheduling-1] c.v.v.l.c.u.EventExecutionTelemetryUtil -  -- Stop Instrumenting EventMetadata.
2022-07-27 09:25:55.511 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.p.l.c.t.LcmSupportBundleTask -  -- Starting :: LCM VA support Bundle Task
2022-07-27 09:25:55.528 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.u.ShellExecutor -  -- Executing shell command: /var/lib/vlcm-common/vlcm-support -w /data/lcm-logbundle
2022-07-27 09:25:55.530 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.u.ProcessUtil -  -- Execute /var/lib/vlcm-common/vlcm-support
2022-07-27 09:25:58.091 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-6] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- queryParams :  { }
2022-07-27 09:25:58.099 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-6] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-27 09:26:02.098 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-10] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- queryParams :  { }
2022-07-27 09:26:02.098 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-10] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-27 09:26:06.092 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-2] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- queryParams :  { }
2022-07-27 09:26:06.143 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-2] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-27 09:26:10.097 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-1] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- queryParams :  { }
2022-07-27 09:26:10.097 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-1] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-27 09:26:14.101 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-4] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- queryParams :  { }
2022-07-27 09:26:14.102 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-4] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-27 09:26:18.105 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-3] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- queryParams :  { }
2022-07-27 09:26:18.173 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-3] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-27 09:26:22.096 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-7] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- queryParams :  { }
2022-07-27 09:26:22.097 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-7] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-27 09:26:26.104 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-5] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- queryParams :  { }
2022-07-27 09:26:26.104 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-5] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-27 09:26:28.068 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.u.ShellExecutor -  -- Result: [Support program for VMware vRealize LCM Appliance - Version 8.2.0

  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/auth.log (stored 0%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/boot.log (deflated 91%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/bootstrap/everyboot.log (deflated 96%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/bootstrap/firstboot.log (stored 0%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/bootstrap/postinstall.log (stored 0%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/bootstrap/postupdate.log (deflated 79%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/bootstrap/preupdate.log (deflated 45%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/cloud-init-output.log (deflated 92%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/cloud-init.log (deflated 90%)
        zip warning: name not matched: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/dracut.log

zip error: Nothing to do! (

Warning..detected exception condition. Reason: 12

  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/installer-kickstart.log (stored 0%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/installer.log (stored 0%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liagent_2022-07-14_23.log (deflated 95%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2021-10-08_00.log (deflated 78%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2021-12-02_01.log (deflated 71%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2021-12-02_02.log (deflated 71%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2021-12-13_03.log (deflated 70%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2022-01-06_04.log (deflated 70%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2022-01-06_05.log (deflated 70%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2022-01-19_06.log (deflated 70%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2022-03-23_07.log (deflated 70%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2022-03-23_08.log (deflated 70%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2022-04-24_09.log (deflated 70%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2022-05-06_10.log (deflated 70%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2022-06-15_11.log (deflated 70%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2022-07-14_12.log (deflated 70%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/loginsight-agent/liupdater_2022-07-14_13.log (deflated 60%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/nginx/access.log
        zip warning:  file size changed while zipping vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/var/log/nginx/access.log
 (deflated 96%)

  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/tmp/service-status-all.txt (deflated 79%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/tmp/chkconfig-list.txt (deflated 43%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/tmp/ovfenv-D.16453.txt (deflated 77%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/tmp/ovfenv-xml.16453.txt (deflated 71%)
  adding: vlcmsupport-2022-07-27_09-25-55.16453/tmp/vlcm_build_details.txt (deflated 34%)

File: /data/lcm-logbundle/].
2022-07-27 09:26:28.835 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.l.u.SettingsHelper -  -- Setting name : vcfmodesettings , Package name : com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.lcops.common.dto.settings.VcfConfigurationDTO
2022-07-27 09:26:28.848 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.l.u.SettingsHelper -  -- Final Data : {
  "vcfHostname" : null,
  "username" : null,
  "apiKey" : null,
  "version" : null
2022-07-27 09:26:28.856 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.p.l.c.t.LcmSupportBundleTask -  -- Result archive is: '/data/lcm-logbundle/'
2022-07-27 09:26:28.856 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.p.l.c.t.LcmSupportBundleTask -  -- Support bundle created successfully in path : /data/lcm-logbundle/
2022-07-27 09:26:28.886 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.p.a.s.Task -  -- Injecting Edge :: OnVaSupportBundleCompletion
2022-07-27 09:26:28.900 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.p.l.c.t.LcmSupportBundleTask -  -- old download url :
2022-07-27 09:26:28.912 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentRepositoryController -  -- Content delete requested for url /logBundleRepo/vrlcm/
2022-07-27 09:26:28.943 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentRepositoryController -  -- Content delete is failed with given URL :: /logBundleRepo/vrlcm/
2022-07-27 09:26:29.056 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.c.ContentRepositoryController -  -- Creating content operation.
2022-07-27 09:26:29.088 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- URL :: /logBundleRepo/vrlcm/logbundle/
2022-07-27 09:26:29.111 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- URL :: /logBundleRepo/vrlcm/logbundle/
2022-07-27 09:26:29.115 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- PATH LENGTH :: 5
2022-07-27 09:26:29.116 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- PATH LENGTH TEST PASSED
2022-07-27 09:26:29.123 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- SEARCHINE FOR :: REPO -> logBundleRepo :: NAME -> __ROOT__ :KXKXKXKX PARENT -> da0c4d6f-d0de-4837-835b-6f0d6e01b15b
2022-07-27 09:26:29.249 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- PATH ::
2022-07-27 09:26:29.250 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- PATH ::logBundleRepo
2022-07-27 09:26:29.250 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- PATH ::vrlcm
2022-07-27 09:26:29.251 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- PATH ::logbundle
2022-07-27 09:26:29.251 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- PATH
2022-07-27 09:26:29.253 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- ADDING NODE - PATH LENGTH :: 5
2022-07-27 09:26:29.254 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- SEARCHINE FOR :: REPO -> logBundleRepo :: PARENT -> 2761c604-c889-4c28-834a-23423133cbf1 :: NAME -> vrlcm
2022-07-27 09:26:29.259 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- SEARCHINE FOR :: REPO -> logBundleRepo :: PARENT -> 3172ba88-32f7-4f07-ba92-407abbdb37d3 :: NAME -> logbundle
2022-07-27 09:26:29.262 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.c.s.ContentDownloadUrlServiceImpl -  -- SEARCHINE FOR :: REPO -> logBundleRepo :: PARENT -> 024b449c-18cc-4dab-8e0b-9e9a47702453 :: NAME ->

Finally marking the completion of log bundle collection

The previous download url is replaced with the current or the recently generated bundle for download

2022-07-27 09:26:30.097 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-9] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-27 09:26:31.852 INFO  [pool-3-thread-14] c.v.v.l.p.l.c.t.LcmSupportBundleTask -  -- finalUrl to download log bundle :
2022-07-27 09:26:34.091 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-6] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload


In the failed scenario , what we see if the below message being repeating always , just does not move forward

2022-07-21 21:05:35.937 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-4] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:05:39.932 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-11] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:05:43.934 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-6] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:05:47.940 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-12] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:05:51.935 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-10] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:05:55.943 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-3] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:05:59.940 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-8] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:03.929 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-2] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:07.938 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-5] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:11.938 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-9] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:15.932 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-6] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:19.938 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-12] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:23.928 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-10] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:27.934 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-1] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:31.930 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-7] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:35.938 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-2] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:39.939 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-5] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:43.928 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-11] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:47.938 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-9] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:51.928 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-6] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:55.938 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-12] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload
2022-07-21 21:06:59.931 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-3] c.v.v.l.l.c.SettingsController -  -- Dynamic Setting data required for setting : logbundledownload

As per data from the database

Problematic Environment

vrlcm=# select * from vm_lcops_settings where name = 'logbundledownload';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vmid                | b8******e0
createdby           | serviceadmin@local
createdon           | 1638384524109
lastmodifiedby      | serviceadmin@local
lastupdatedon       | 1638384524109
tenant              | default
version             |
vrn                 |
additionaldata      |
datatype            | Request
description         | Trigger Log bundle download
detaileddescription | Triggers log collection for all nodes in the environment. Returns request id that can be used to check log collection status
name                | logbundledownload
packagename         |
value               | {                                                                                                                           +
                    |   "requestid" : "28****f0"
                    | }

My Lab

vrlcm=# select * from vm_lcops_settings where name = 'logbundledownload';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vmid                | 9b675941-a97e-4b66-9f4c-4f0391a77017
createdby           | serviceadmin@local
createdon           | 1638415924109
lastmodifiedby      | serviceadmin@local
lastupdatedon       | 1638415924109
tenant              | default
version             |
vrn                 |
additionaldata      |
datatype            | Request
description         | Trigger Log bundle download
detaileddescription | Triggers log collection for all nodes in the environment. Returns request id that can be used to check log collection status
name                | logbundledownload
packagename         |
value               | {                                                                                                                           +
                    |   "downloadUrl" : ""        +
                    | }

The difference is the wrong value in the table vm_lcops_settings table where logbundledownload record has a wrong value set to it. Instead of having a downloadUrl it has a request id set in it.


Remediation Plan

  • Take a snapshot of vRSLCM

  • Execute below query to remove existing value

update vm_lcops_settings set value = ''  where name = 'logbundledownload';
  • Restart vRSLCM

systemctl restart vrslcm-server
  • Login into the UI

  • Generate Log Bundle


One can even check from API if the value is set correctly

Method: GET
URL: {{lcmurl}}/lcm/lcops/api/settings/logbundledownload

Hope this helps you to understand what happens in the background and when a failure is seen how do you remediate it


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