VMware a few days back announced vRealize Lifecycle Manager 8.2.
Let's discuss how you can upgrade your existing version of vRLCM to the new version.
Login into vRLCM 8.1 (the version I have in my lab )
Browse to Settings, click on System Upgrade
Then click on check for upgrade and you would see if there is the latest version available to upgrade

Create a Snapshot

Now that your snapshots are done. Let's kick off an upgrade, an online one.

When you click on upgrade it would start downloading packages. 92 of them.
Then it starts installing these packages

Post upgrade phase kicks in, it's really nice to see this displays new features what vRLCM can deliver in version 8.2

It just takes 15 - 20 minutes and your vRLCM is now on version 8.2

When one browses to Requests pane, you can see few requests which completed in the background as post-upgrade tasks

Under System Details, you can now see the build has now changed to vRLCM 8.2

Let's discuss new features in 8.2 in the next blog.......
thank you Mr Nukes in creating this. Would you happen to have the new reporting functioning viewable for us?